Fair Haven Church – August 2024

There was an elderly gentleman at our last event that stood to share a powerful testimony with us. Maleka and I talk about forgiveness a lot, because forgiveness was something we both had to do in light of the things that Maleka went through. The elderly gentleman told us a story of an earlier time in his life when his ex-wife unexpectedly called him and said she didn’t want their child anymore and that she was going to leave the child with him. The child was only 3 ½ months old, left on his doorstep, abandoned by her mother. He raised his daughter lovingly, but no one from his ex-wife’s side of the child’s family had anything to do with her. The child grew, and as an adult woman she passed away. None of her mother’s side of the family attended her funeral, and the elderly man resented them for years because of it. But God!

When this man heard Maleka’s story and listened to her say that she forgave her biological mother for burning her, he came to the altar and fell to his knees, asking God to remove the hate he held towards his ex-wife and her family for so many years. Then he stood and declared his forgiveness for them. “I’ll never be able to forget it, but I have forgiven them today.”

That is the power of Jesus! He can break chains of hate and unforgiveness, replacing them with robes of peace and grace. This is why Maleka and I do this ministry. This is why we travel the country to share our story, because there are so many people in this world that hold hate and unforgiveness in their hearts, and they cannot be used by God until they learn to release it. In our travels, we see stories like this over and over and the altars fill with weary hearts crying to Jesus for help. People are being saved and Christians are rededicating their lives to Christ. 

That is our mission after all; to lead the spiritually blind to an eye-opening one-on-one encounter with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to experience what the elderly man and so many others experience. This ministry is one that you want to get involved with.